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Bob Bednar

0 Inductee Bob Bednar has been loving and listening to jazz his entire life, both as performer and as radio host. He hosted his first jazz program at Philadelphia’s WRTI while a journalism and broadcast major at Temple University, and served as a first call drummer in Philadelphia during the late 1950s and early 1960s. He joined Du Pont in 1963, producing and directing more than 80 industrial shows and films worldwide as special events...

Na’im Rashid

2010 Inductee Na’im Rashid is a retired Navy Broadcast Journalist whose radio career began in Philadelphia in 1968 and he has been dedicated to the preservation of jazz since that time. During his radio career, he programmed the highly-rated Progressive 98 show on WYLD-FM New Orleans. He also worked for commercial radio stations and the American Forces Radio and Television service. After relocating to Jacksonville, he established the Jazz Vibrations radio show on V101.5 FM,...