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Ira Koger

2000 Inductee Ira Koger believed the quality of a community’s cultural life attracts business, so business leaders should not regard the arts and music as “frills.” He was widely respected as a patron of the arts and devoted himself to cultural developments and events. Koger thrived at a variety of vocations and roles, including election to the South Carolina House of Representatives at age 21, President of O.P. Woodcock Company and Chairman and CEO of...

Rich Matteson

2000 Inductee Rich Matteson was recognized nationally as one of our county’s most exciting jazz soloists and clinicians, with a career which included public school music teacher, professional performer, conductor, arranger, composer, and college professor. Matteson became involved with jazz education in 1968 and performed as clinician and guest soloist at high schools, colleges and universities throughout the world. In 1986, he was appointed the Kroger Distinguished Professor of American Music at the University of...